Sunday 1 January - Saturday 7 January 2023
[Notebook: DB 88 Salvation]
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Sunday 1 January 2023
Some radical errors in [Catholic] theology listed in the park:
1. Information / intelligence is spiritual
2. Potential cannot actualize itself
3. Creation can be deterministic
[here we change from errors to assertions!]
4. Symmetry = law is not deterministic but enables enables probability as eg fair dice.
5. Personal communications are not deterministic, so that general covariance does not hold in the quantum regime.
6. Nevertheless Shannon theory shows how to achieve error free communication
7. Continua cannot carry information so quantization is necessary
8. Cantor's theorem + Turing's theorem guarantees large spaces in incomputability and therefore uncertainty
9. Gödel's theorem is the foundation of requisite variety.
10. Infallibility is consequently impossible
11. Entropy is the key to stability so educated democracy is the most stable form of government
12. The Universe is the Leviathan
13. Autocratic infallibility is the recipe for death [look at what is happening to Putin's Russia Holly Ellyatt: ‘Losing is not an option’: Putin is ‘desperate’ to avoid defeat in Ukraine as anxiety rises in Moscow]
Reformation question; sola fide vs good works. Faith vs charity (meditaed by hope.
My reformation: sola scriptura vs scientific reading of the divine universe [direct interface with god].
Priesthood of all believers → we are all literally children of god.
[page 231]
The most important element of humanity is the collective state of mind which decides who is to be saved and who is to be killed in wars of religion such as that currently being wagedt against Ukraine by Patriarch Kirill and Vladimir Putin. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow - Wikipedia
The Reformation sola scripture was possibly motivated by the creative work of Aquinas and others who injected Aristotelian ideas into theology to produce a new model of god. Scripture remained the specifically theological source of data, representing the facts known to the blessed with a vision of god and particularly emphasized by Lonergan in his Trinity books. Bernard Lonergan (2009): The Triune God: Doctrines
My feeling is that we can bypass the scriptural source by making the Universe divine so that we have a real scientific entree into theology and the basis of my approach is the concept of structureless initial singularity, action and evolution that start from Aristotle and Aquinas and, using quantum mechanics and the ideas of cognitive cosmology, generate the mind of god [ie the Universe] with the slogan 'Trinity to Transfinity'.
There is a subtle difference between addition and multiplication between real and complex numbers. In real numbers, multiplication can be understood as repeated addition but this is not so in complex numbers. This makes it possible for the dimensions of Hilbert space to be orthogonal in terms of multiplication but nevertheless additive when it comes to superposition. Check this.
Monday 2 January 2023
From cave to cathedral to convert to cosmos.
Eventually I have to make a performance [but a website observed is a performance].
Tuesday 3 January 2023
Omnes page 32: Newton's universal principles: three laws. Roland Omnes (2002): Quantum Philosophy: Understanding and Interpreting Contemporary Science
Can we understand these in terms of my (?) first principle: information is physical?
1. Inertial motion: no message, no change
2. a = F/m: rate of change (a) = communication rate (F) divided by total body of data (m).
3. Equal and opposite - full duplex.
[page 232]
Omnes page 35: 'unconsciously shifting from intuitive science, where everything could be visualized . . . toward a science involving formal element that are essentially unintelligible'.
The notion of action is central here. Unlike the concepts employed by Newton, this notion is purely mathematical, without any intuitive visual or analogical content. The action is the integral over time of the difference between potential and kinetic energy. We can surely make sense of their sum—it is the total energy— but their difference? What is more action means nothing by itself, it is only an intermediary [maybe like a complex number in algebra?]: actual motion has a kind of magical property which is to minimize [extremalize] the action (the principle of [stationary] action. Why a minimum or even a maximum? We can only wonder, without expecting to understand, without "seeing" anything because we do not know what "action" is or where it comes from [maybe the potential/action thing is something inherent in quantum theory and Aristotle's first glimpse of complex numbers?].
Pendulum rising: kinetic → potential; pendulum falling: potential → kinetic.
Omnes page 35: 'More efficient calculations do not entail higher conceptual content.' [so you say].
Rocket up; rising potential; rocket coming down: falling potenial.
Perhaps the world is calculating itself using an algorithm [based on] the principle 'time is of the essence' [see Cognitive Cosmology page 12: The quantum creation of Minkowski space].
Omnes page 46: 'In fact, after Maxwell, physics is no longer something one can visualize with the imagination and communicate in ordinary language. Its concepts cannot be completely rendered without at least the help of mathematical language [which implies quantification; what are we quantifying? entropy, communication rate, computation rate ???].
'In the final years of the nineteenth century there are other foretelling signs of intuition slowly going blind.' What is happening here is that the [age] of spatial intuition is over and we are moving into the era of communication, gossip software, quantum mechanics, entropy, counting quanta and so on. I now have to think more in terms of cognitive cosmology, beginning with the quantum theory of the Trinity.
page 57: ' In mathematics what matters is not the nature of things but the relationships between them. Same also in physics [and it is the relationships between things which reflect their natures, fermions are defined by the bosons that they exchange and vice versa]. Fermion - Wikipedia, Boson - Wikipedia
God is real and a quantum of action is a real event, a unit of information, a physical entity [but maybe in some sense incomplete like a complex number or a boson].
[page 233]
In my early greenie days I spent a lot of time writing critiques of environmental impact statements, pointing out falsehoods, miscalculations and other inconsistencies. I am now preparing to apply the same methodology to the Catholic Church, criticizing its claims to be a force for salvation, beginning with the idea that the salvation it is offering is purely fiction.
Wednesday 4 January 2023
The first page of the God of Aquinas (part of shows beyond [reasonable] doubt that the completely simple God of Aquinas lacks the entropy necessary to deterministically create the universe that we inhabit. This argument is couched in terms of information theory and cybernetics and holds also for the classical initial singularity proposed by Penrose, Hawking and Ellis. Hawking & Ellis (1975); The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time
The classical initial singularity, on the other hand, has no creative power whereas the quantum singularity modelled on the God of Aquinas, being pure act, is capable of action, albeit random, since the action of action is to act. So it has the first prerequisite for evolution. The corresponding selective power arises from the limitation on divine omnipotence that they cannot create a contradiction. We apply these ideas in the first instance to a treatment of the Trinity, and then go further to imagine the extension to a transfinite system.
My fear here is that these ideas are too outrageous but I see no alternative and so will stick by it this year, revising cognitive cosmology as I develop lust for life.
Omnes page 81: Part 2; The Fracture. "The fracture is nevertheless there in the fact that these laws are, when seen through the eyes of the average intelligence or classical philosophy, absolutely incomprehensible.
page 122: ' Present day physics is based on objects that cannot be conceived as elements of a set from which subsets can be formed.' This is to overlook that fact that in the real world the elements of interest are events and a large event has subsets. We describe events by recipes or algorithms, starting from the initial singularity and building up to a transfinite computational (algorithmic) network.
page 125: 'space-time totally inaccessible to intuition' ? We live in it and deal with it all the time, measuring times and distances to get to work on time, to meet one another, et etc.
[page 234]
I last read Omnes in 2009 after I got it in 2007. Why am I reading it now? Because lately I have been thinking about action and somewhere in the back of my mind there was something about the difficulties Omnes had with action, his "fracture", so I went looking for it and am reading my marginal noted to see if I have learnt anything about action in the last 13 years.
Ones page 139: Omnes caught in a classical footprint. Classics is preoccupied with energy, but the important point of the [atomic] orbital transition is the quantum of action which annihilates the electron in one state and creates it in another.
Thursday 5 January 2023
Left the Order of Preachers on 4 January 1967.
Getting a slight grip on the idea that action is the enabling intermediary in the universal process rather like the role of the complex numbers in algebra. This may explain the essential role of complex numbers in quantum theory and force me to study them a bit more closely. I am vaguely hoping that some sentence in Omnes will lead me further along this path and make it possible for me to write coherent quantum mechanical theory of the Trinity as the atom of universal communication, Father and Son are fermions, the Spirit is a boson. A corollary to all this might be derivation of Shannon's communication in the presence of noise using complex function space of rings, a la von Neumann.
A complex number is a vector, more complex and versatile than a real number. Maybe its physical representation a la Landauer is action. As act, we have said, is an event that changes some p into some not-p. So do we need to talk about complex logic, which would seem to be analogous to the rotation of wave functions?
Omnes 149: Translation between theory and observation, a codec in other words. Interpretation of Christianity attempts to derive rules of behaviour (eg no sex unless intention to reproduce) out of doctrine (eg Church has infallible communication with God).
'It is clear that the wrong . . . that interpretation seeks to right stems from the formal [written] character of science from the fact that its initial concepts are not accessible to imagination.' Your imagination, maybe, but any of us can imagine [intersecting] waves and see the complex vector representation of superposition which covers both phase and amplitude.
[page 235]
' [need for interpretation] is definitely manifest in the theory of relativity.' Why? All it says is leave early if you want to get there on time.
Omnes page 150: - we interpret quantum mechanics as s conversation (noted 2009!)
Computation of eigenvalues is deterministic, ie actual symbols exchange in computation, ie the source alphabet. What is probabilistic, as in communication theory, is the normalized rate of occurrence of [particular] letters of the alphabet. Each letter is a precisely defined act, a transition in the source from letter a to letter b.
'no cause is at work to make an excited atom decay at some specific moment.' In a sense this is caused by a universal process just as I utter certain words at certain appropriate moments in a 156: Greek philosophy would repudiate Δp . Δx ≈ h. Why? 'Because momentum is proportional to velocity [p = mv]. This is a classical spacetime version of momentum. In the information theoretical view momentum is the content of memory, a body of data whose content is changed by addition and subtraction by the information analogue of force, ie flow of data.
Operator changes a function, eg differentiation. Complementarity: ' [position] or [velocity / momentum] is in itself correct with no internal contradictions but it is impossible to confine them.' ie space / position resolution is limited to h as is energy / time
Quantum of action is a logical operator equivalent to not, and the symbol i is also an operator, changing a real number to a not real number so we can identify them, so i ≡ quantum of action. i establishes orthogonality, as in the complex plane [or Argand diagram]. Complex plane - Wikipedia
At the fundamental level of resolution wave and particle are indistinguishable so we are in a Wittgensteinian situation: Tractatus: what can be said can be said clearly and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence. The limits of language mean the limits of my world.' Biletski & Matar; Lunwig Wittgenstein
Friday 6 January 2023
Omnes page 164: 'There can be no doubt that the principles of quantum mechanics clash with common sense.' Yes, if you work in terms of deterministic space-time geometry, but no
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if you think in terms of interpersonal relationships of communication and reasonable thought.
' Here the originality of our approach, to deduce the common sense from the quantum premises, including its limits – that is to demonstrate also under which condtions common sense is valid and what is its margin of error.'
Omnes page 165; For the time being we shall consider only those propositions concerning the position and velocity of a physical object at some instant of time.' I.e. an absolutely Newtonian approach which has nothing at all to do with the real flow of information at a noisy party.
page 166: starts with a pendulum, blah, blah, blah.
page 168: ' Formally an elementary proposition in dynamics is simply a proposition in kinematics in which time is implicitly mentioned.' ie frewquency, waves, the world of Hilbert space. Hilbert space - Wikipedia
'Classic determinism is a logical equivalence of two propositions 0f Newtonian dynamics with respect to two different instants of time' ie conservation of energy and Noether. Laplace's demon. Conservation of energy - Wikipedia, Noether's theorem - Wikipedia, Laplace's demon - Wikipedia
page 170: Reality is a form of thought governed by Gödel and Turing. Gödel's incompleteness theorems - Wikipedia, Turing machine - Wikipedia
So we use an angel expert in formalism who suffers the same limitations as God.
page 171: Observable = operator = matrix with eigenvectors which are letters in its alphabet whose total probability is normalized to 1.
Saturday 7 January 2023
Every bright idea has a downside. The new version of quantum Trinity has run aground, but hope springs eternal. The correlation between action and complex numbers looks fruitful and I am hoping for help from Omnes. If wishes were horses again. What I want is is clear link between Aristotle and Aquinas, actus purus and the quantum of action, the god in the machine. All lovely words, but what do they mean.
Living in the darkness before insight, the evil implicit in the evolutionary fact that creation requires a symmetry snd randomness. How does
[page 237]
the initial singularity become the initial duality? : acion + no-clonong.
Quantum mechanics is just sources talking to one another, increasing their initial complexity by sharing [duplicating] information, as happens to me when I watch the world around me. Quantum observation involves watching the conversations one letter at a time, each observer and observer are sources with an alphabet of "sounds" [phonemes] which they string together [linearly] to make a conversation. So what does god, the initial singularity, say to themself? It is a bit like this diary, me talking to myself as an example for you, the reader, of what I am thinking about physics → theology. It is all talk about the universe (of which I am an element) talking to itself [so consciousness is the source of creation in God?]. We organize all this talk with a hierarchical network, atoms talking, rabbits talking, galaxies talking, etc. Phoneme - Wikipedia
Omnes page 171: Omnes is locked on to the idea that common sense is identical to classical Newtonian physics [whereas it is far more concerned with interpreting all the gossip that surrounds each of us].
The invention of writing was the invention of formalism, the reduction of moving and passionate speech to a set of symbols (maybe a play by Shakespeare). The task of actors is to add in the elements that the playwright has abstracted out to represent the original reality captured by the writing [so an actor is just like the reader of Turing's paper, adding in the imagery that Turing is representing].
page 173; A random variable: the unpredictable (but practically constrained) thing I am going to do next (make another cup of coffee and eat my corn flakes while reading some fiction, How to Stage a Coup. Also pick some flowers and think about fixing some broken branches on a rose bush. Also how to deal with alcoholic landlady - fix rose bush with old bike tube). Rory Cormac (2022): How to Stage a Coup
Omnes page 175: God is the operator, ie the universe operates itself by talking to itself, as I do [being an image of god].
page 176: 'Therefore in quantum mechanics there are propositions that can be expressed in ordinary language but which have no meaning because of the underlying formalism.' Δx . Δp ≈ ΔE . Δt ≈ h: quantum mechanics is so simple because it is prior to space-time and its projectors cannot embrace both space and time at once. Cognitive Cosmology: page 12: The quantum creation of Minkowski space
von Neuman: Birkoff and vN then wondered whether the logic of the quantum world did not after all obey laws that were different from—and less restrictive than— the sacred ones of Aristotelian logic. Yes, all polynomials have solutions in the complex field.
'Underlying formalism is mathematical hence Aristotelian'. No, complex numbers open up a new world of algebraic completeness [which increases the space of consistent mathematical statements far beyond the Aristotelian imagination].
[page 238]
Omnes page 176 (continued): 'The quantum non-Aristotelian component would therefore be flanked by the mathematical (Aristotelian) and empirical (also Aristotelian) ones. Another indigestible "sandwich".
page 177: 'We shall therefore abandon it, to insist on the advantages of sticking to the more conventional—more rational in fact—logical forms.' Probably a mistake.
Histories: '. . . Griffith proposed considering what amounts to a history of the physical system. . . ' that is looking at the sentence rather than one phoneme?
Veltman says a Hilbert space is a history; page 33 "dogs and cats" Martinus Veltman (1994): Diagrammatica: The Path to the Feynman Rules
page 178: Probabilities . . . lie at the very heart of the theory, and their role goes far beyond the mere description of chance.' Probabilities deal with complete systems of events. Collectively exhaustive events - Wikipedia
page 179; Probability of a history (ie a sequence of elementary events). Consistent histories are normalized just as elementary events are normalized [clearly described by Feynman: Richard Feyman: Feynman Lectures on Physics vol III lecture 1; Quantum Behaviour.]
Omnes page 280; Bayes conditional probability. If we do not know which slit the particle went through we get interference. Bayes' theorem - Wikipedia
page 186: Complex numbers are not observable. Are there 4i eggs in this basket?
page 191: 'classical determinism is approximate.' Not in s halting Turing Machine.
page 193: 'common sense confirms the quantum nature of the laws governing the material world.' Tell that to the two slit experiment!
page 194: All our knowledge machinery has been created by evolution in a quantum world.
'Common sense, thus reappraised and with its scope circumscribed no longer applies to the universe at large.' Of course it does, when we consider the
[page 239]
universe to be a society of sources beginning with the Father and the Son.
Omnes page 199; Decoherence.
page 222: Bohr: ' "[Quantum mechanics] requires a renunciation of the classical idea of causality and a radical revision of our idea of physical reality".' At the most elementary level, change requires annihilation and creation because entities are to small to change within themselves. The elements of a particular set of creations and annihilations are members of a symmetry like the faces of a die. As the die spins, one fact is annihilated and another appears but all six of them are elements of a complete system of events so the sum of the probabilities is normalized to 1, some face always appears when it comes to rest.
Polya: Vectors are symmetrical with respect to displacement. Polya & Latta (1974); Complex Variables