natural theology

This site is part of the The natural religion project
dedicated to developing and promoting the art of peace.

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[Notebook: DB 58 Bringing god home]

[Sunday 19 February 2006 - Saturday 25 February 2006]

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Sunday 19 February 2006

The essence of a consultancy is trade in specialized knowledge. Since consultancies (like augurs, Sybil, . . . ) are, generally asked to give advice for practical purposes, their work falls under applied science, that is generally, engineering. While political consultants offer social engineering to win and keep power, civil engineering consultants show us how to create physical structures that embody the dreams of architects.

We (The Theology Company and I) are entering the market as religious consultants. Our position is that religion is in effect a form of engineering whose goal is to increase the survival chances of a certain class of human beings. We use class in its general mathematical sense as a collection of individuals with some common property, like living on the same island, speaking the same language or practicing the same religion.

In western tradition the nature and art of religion is studied by theology: theology is the science that guides applied religion. The dominant theology on the planet (in terms of practitioners, literature and 'gross religious product') is promoted by the Roman Catholic Church which has about a billion adherents, many concentrated in the wealthier regions of the human world.

The Roman Catholic Church approach to theology is fundamentally authoritarian. [Catholic] theologians must publicly toe a network of dogmatic lines if they are to go about their work in peace. This tendency is evident in most of the big religions of the world, and leads to the existence of different and competing theologies, which in turn leads to friction when elements of different theological classes meet.

The diversity of theology is an historical accident whose effects have been all but eliminated in the modern sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. The unity of these science is brought about by the coincidence of two factors: they are

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real which is inherently unified and consistent, so there are no 'two sciences' to be learnt about any one thing. An atom of hydrogen is an atom of hydrogen and they are all pretty much the same. In addition to unity of subject, the sciences owe their consistency to unity of method. The aim of scientific method is to use every conceivable method to get an exact model or representation of what is going on.

These two factors apply only sporadically in rcc theology. The first problem is that god is invisible to any person who does not see through the eyes of the Church. rcc began a long time before the Papacy became a recognizable entity and was largely explored and codified by the middle ages. If we are to choose an author as the essence of the rcc model of god, it is Thomas Aquinas.

The god thus modelled is in principle invisible to either unaided or instrumented human senses. The rcc claims to be the sole channel through which a seeker may get knowledge of god. It also claims that its god is the one true god and there are no others. So although the rcc has been able to create an institutional theology based on institutional traditions, this is not a scientific theology because it rules out the possibility of checking theoretical models by observation.

A scientific theology require, by definition, a visible god. So our attempt to unify theology (and consequently religion) leads us to the fundamental assumption that the whole Universe of our experience is experience of the divinity. This hypothesis contrasts most sharply with traditional rcc theology, but we claim that it has a right to consideration and a number of advantages. From a scientific point of view, whether this hypothesis is true or false will depend on whether this hypothesis is consistent with an acceptable model of god and whether it fits the behaviour of the Universe, god, as we se it. The term god we use for that inconceivable entity, the class of all classes, or the whole.

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Since this seems to be coming along quite well, the next priority is to develop the Theology Company site as the front end to an actual business to which people can direct questions and obtain replies.

We name our theology 'natural theology' by analogy with natural science. Our hypothesis makes this possible because our god is naturally divine. In practical terms this means that we expect our Universe to fill the whole space of formal possibility, and not be some restricted, dead material mass that is manipulated by an invisible god.

Slipped the mind again! What? Is there a trail to follow back to it?

. . .

We depend for clarity of communication to be like Alice and define symbols (including words) to mean what they need to mean to fit into the whole picture. Thubah leads us to see that every human experience is a message from god. We no are no longer tied to a written or oral tradition, but have the whole of visible spacetime in which to seek . . .

The unity of natural theology is grounded in the unity of human experience and consensus on the methods of interpreting and understanding our experience. Traditional theology has a normative aspect, trying to specify what people should and should not do and think. Natural theology is not normative in the same way that the other natural sciences are not normative. They seek to know nature, not to force it into unnatural positions.

Building on our basic hypothesis (or fiction) we proceed to the construction of a formal model for experience and theology by introducing the further hypothesis that all

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experience can be understood as communication. All our experiences come from communications within and between ourselves and our environment. The sounds I hear, everything I see and feel is information carried in some physical way (photons, phonons) from my environment to me.

Monday 20 February 2006


The processes of differentiation and integration mediate between text and not-text. An item of text is the integration of a set of not-texts. The differentiation of text yields a set of not-texts.

The human 'invention' of speech, and particularly of writing, demonstrated to a discerning class of people that there were eternal elements in the world. The Sanskrit linguists were concerned to ensure that the oral tradition of their sacred literature remained error free, that is, the texts were eternal, in a dimension independent of time. Not-text exists in time, changing as a rate determined by its energy, the value of which in the case of 'stationary states' is independent of time, ie an eternal text.

SHANNON'S THEOREMS control the transmission of text through time and show us the conditions under which such transmissions perfect.


'Murder for an idea" Agatha, Links, p[age 153. Christie The text becomes more important than the dynamics. This is possible, but unstable. Dynamics (action) rules.

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The process of evolution requires the existence of text and the evolution of the Universe is tantamount to the production of more and more text (complexification)

The textual version of the dynamic process is the complex exponential

eix = cos(x) + i sin(x)

Here we have the hear of the 'wave theory' ie periodic theory, ie recursive theory, computable text.

The "Gödel" property of text guarantees that it is not eternal in the sense of 'lasting for all time'. We might say that texts, while in themselves eternal, nevertheless each has a beginning and en end in spacetime. In other words, every text occupies a finite volume in [spacetime]

We set out to prove that 'intelligent design' is not always possible and so must be excluded as the sole determinant of all the structure of the Universe. To do this we must take a walk through theology, that is a model of the whole (which we take to be a model of god, where god stands for the [ever changing] totality of what exists '. Mathematics, through Russell's paradox and many others avenues tells us that the set of all sets which we might use to represent the whole has such paradoxical properties that it cannot be said, mathematically, to exist. All that a mathematical entity requires , to be said to exist, is that it is self consistent and consistent with the environment, that is the space, in which it exists.

We want to fix these ideas more precisely by applying them to quantum mechanics, Quantum mechanics is a mathematical model of the Universe that is worked out in Hilbert space. The theory is considered pretty well unimpeachable as is the other fundamental theory of physics, relativity.

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REALITY = {TEXT, NOT-TEXT}, ie the textual representation of the whole of reality is paradoxical.

Mathematics delineates the properties of 'possible texts'. It selects these possible texts out of the Cantor Universe, a formal structure built on the natural numbers.

It is so good to be back home and see that something invisible to me has been going on in my mind whole I was away.

It is the act of communication that we and all other particles observe and nothing else. OBSERVE == COMMUNICATE

In the region of communication protocols, we must demote ourselves to particles like all the others.

Crowds and gas laws ; statistical mechanics.

I am a hunter. I am after a grail. It is not enough to see it, I must capture it and feed off it. Grails are an intellectual property. The original grail may have been Mary Magdalene's reproductive power, part of the technology that has evolved to deal with death.

Any message circulating for long enough will become corrupted and eventually rejected by its environment, a communication protocol.

It is up to the scientific power of the community to confront and deal with religious problems in the same effective manner as they are able to resolve biological questions: by observation, by modelling, and eventually, prediction, ie 'textualising' or 'pixellating' the future.

The need to emit a text (communicate) can range

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from imperceptible to a matter of life and death depending on the situation (state) of the speaker relative to its environment. The relativity of truth : the same vector can be represented by an infinity of bases - general covariance.


TIME = {ACT} card(time) = card(act) in unity of h bar.

'The lust for life'

One thing we seem to delight in doing is developing portrayals of love and lust everywhere from 'high' literature down through movies to pornography corresponding to various tastes.

'By their fruits you shall know them'

'Similia similiter intelliguntur (?)'

'oportet distinguere' = things are more complex than you think. Roundabout routes can take us to places that are not directly accessible.

Knowledge is possible because the Universe has relatively invariant features. As we know, a particular item of gossip may only remain true for seconds, whereas some things like Einstein's E = mc2 appear to remain forever. The (most important?) invariant in the Universe is the maintenance of unitarity throughout all network operations irrespective of complexity. This is tantamount to saying that the rate of progress in the Universe remains always countable, quantized or pixellated. So we begin our theology with a particular take on quantum mechanics considered as a formal system. We begin by exploring the meaning of unitarity in tensor products of Hilbert spaces, the spaces we use to represent the interaction of two particles.

Complexification - renormalization. The maintenance of meaning

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at all levels of complexity.

The impossibility of intelligent design is related to the concept of spacelike separation in special relativity where not-communication (and therefore not-knowledge, and not-prediction) is described as 'spacelike separation'. This is a dynamic distinction and the the route through which communication ad special relativity demand that observables (that is messages) must be particulate.

Is this the essence of quantum field theory?

Basic proposition of natural theology: not even god is capable of fully intelligent, ie evolution is necessary in any self-consistent system.

We do not hide the fact that the software contained in this site is designed as a weapon to debunk the authoritarian approach to human affairs proposed by control freaks , ie those suffering severe insecurity.

By identifying god and nature we both bring god down to earth and make it accessible to everybody, and [raise earth to the level of divinity].

Science has been corrupted by militarism as 'statesmen' discovered that the application of science could give them new war fighting power on the form of new materials and new means of communication. About half of global scientific effort is funded by organizations with a military purpose (SIPRI?)

The military like religions that induce people to sacrifice their lives at the whims of their commanders. The history of war contains many appalling outbreaks of killing as a result of absurd or criminal orders form the higher ups.

Nationalism and patriotism, features of religion, are often

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exploited for militaristic purposes.

MILITARISM; The tendency to use force rather than political discourse to resolve conflicts. Kill to implement policy.

Macquarie: 1. military spirit or policy. 2. the principle of keeping a large military establishment. 3. the tendency to regard military efficiency as the supreme ideal of the state, and to subordinate all other interests to those of the military.

Tuesday 21 February 2006
Wednesday 22 February 2006
Thursday 23 February 2006

The evolution of the one superpower world has brought us to the point where militarism must be replaced by spiritual force.

This project began as a study of was which revealed to me that from an evolutionary point of view war and peace are parts of the struggle for existence which arises from the finite nature of resources compared to infinite aspirations. The spiritual answer to this is to turn our attention to spiritual goods which are of greater value?matter-energy (at least in human terms)

We feel that the development of a consistent global theology and religion is the holy grail of peace (the womb of peace), of inestimable value. The purpose of this site it to be another 'centre of condensation' for ideas and policies of this type.

We sell it the, the the gem that it is, clear, obvious, sparkling, simple, beautiful, universal, true .. (at least until the assayers find a fault, hopefully correctable.)

A particle, like any entity, has a 'life history' or lifetime which lows from birth to death, its segment of a

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"generalized geodesic'

The source of peace is that the spiritual space is so much larger than the physical space and grows with use, so that there can be enough for everyone's wildest dreams and we need only ration flows of matter and energy which impact excessively and negatively on the global system.

In broad church mathematics existent = non-inconsistent (this includes both consistent and undecidable or undecided.

The universal process is modelled as decisions, but it is bounded by the fact that undecidable decisions cannot be made - no communication, ie spacelike separation.

Nature 15/December/2005 page 932: 'Angiogensis research will probably change the face of medicine in the next decades with more than 500 million people worldwide predicted to benefit from pro- and anti angiogenesis treatment.


Theological research . . . 6000 million . . . to benefit.

Friday 24 February 2006

Our most fundamental practical idea is that we make social affairs visible by incorporation and monetization so there are no accounting 'slaves', ones whose output is good but they have no input. To be human is to be integrated into the human network with a full broadband account and with a just and reasonable set of permissions. The foundation of public control is that all flows of fund between legal persons be public (and must therefore be managed in an agreed manner.'

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'Keeping in mind that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, Nature may in rare cases demand it'. Nature 439:243 7014, 19 January 2006.

Productivity = wealth creation / effort.

To be in the state of grace is to be in a 'region of tractability' in the space of human possibility, ie in a region where one has a significant amount of control

How much control does an entity need to 'make a living?'

Heaven = to be able to do something, to be able to control every situation.

Hell : to have no control. To be completely at the mercy of outside forces.

We guess (and the whole thing is a cloud of lucky guesses) that x. Now what was x? Another fleeting moment of insight lost? Will it come back? Ring around the network until some structure enters my consciousness. What was I thinking about = effective salvation = the means to get oneself out of a bad situation = {initiative, insurance}

Always I am acting to keep things cool, kids slept, fed, groomed and off to school. Bills paid and a bit of time on committees and so on. And then exceptional circumstances arise.

The key to control is to stay within suitable computable space.

I've thought this before, but did I ever write it down. This set of books is a laboratory notebook,

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a record of measurements (many of which I have taken on myself) which may ultimately be fitted to a model.


Look at Lonergan as a book on decoding the Universe. Lonergan As we slowly decode the Universe, we learn to converse with it. Authoritarian situations are broadcasts, one way. Democratic systems are dense webs of communication which ultimately tend to relax stresses in the nodes.

Religion brings peace as long as it is held with undoubting faith, but once doubt creeps in peace tends to go out the door. My religion, to me, embodied to me a false model of the divine milieu. I saw, rather dimly, that for faith I needed scientific method, and for scientific method I needed an observable god. The Roman Catholic Church is founded on the notion of an invisible, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient entity totally other than this created Universe and yet controlling its every heartbeat. Why not take a firm hold of Occam's Razor and delete the gulf between god and the Universe and accept that they are ways of talking about one and the same thing, the whole of which we find ourselves parts. I will be secure again when I am at home in my new whole communicating with a new and more powerful protocol.

Curry: Collingham, the six pleasures: 'food, drink, clothes, sex, scent and sound" [ + thinking, dreaming sleeping, working etc etc] Collingham

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Christie, Agatha, Murder on the Links, Literary Express 1998 Reviewer: Ricky Hunter (New York City, NY United States) - See all my reviews 'The second Hercule Poirot mystery, The Murder on the Links, by Agatha Christie is a good example of the method of its detective and his little grey cells. The cast of charaters is small and there are some wonderfully complex twists but the main pleasure to be derived from this book is setting up Poirot in counterpoint to a more "modern" detective who uses less of a psychological approach and more of the blood-hound method examing the minutiae of the scene and following the scent. Hercule Poirot would definately not be a avid "CSI" watcher. The story also contains many romantic elements, another popular genre used by the author, that generally work better here than in other of her books. A good mystery, if not a Christie classic.' Amazon spotlight review by Ricky Hunter, New York. 
Collingham, Liz, Curry: A Take of Cooks and Conquerors, Oxford University Press 2006 Editorial review from Booklist: 'From Booklist Like a fragrant biryani studded with bits of sweet and savory relishes, every page of this history of Indian cuisine offers some revelation about the origins of Indian food and its spread to the West. Historian Collingham traces how successive invasions of the subcontinent contributed new ingredients and novel cooking techniques that transformed indigenous cooking into what we now recognize as classic Indian cuisine. Early invasions from the northwest brought rice, and Persian pilau became Hindustani biryani. Portuguese sailors imported pork and Brazilian chili peppers to create vindaloo. Collingham describes how the regal courts of the various Indian states elaborated on all these foodstuffs to produce what may have been the most sumptuous banquets the world has ever known. Most surprising of all, Collingham's ruminations address the role of tea in India. Although it is a commonplace that today's India is the world's leading producer and consumer of tea, Indians drank very little tea until the British introduced it scarcely a century ago. Recipes, both contemporary and antique, supplement the text.' Mark Knoblauch  
Lonergan, Bernard J F, Insight : A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '... Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 
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