natural theology

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[Notebook: DB 60 Spotlights]

[Sunday 8 April 2007 - Saturday 13 April 2007]

[page 180]

Sunday 8 April 2007

The world is 'wet' ie sticks together and slides, a consequence of bonding.

Seymour-Smith Robert Graves: '[Graves] edited [his letters] doubtless to cut out 'wetness'. p 35. Seymour-Smith

Continuity is a product of low resolution, like the Milky Way, or all people looking the same if they are far enough away,

Pais Einstein page 42: In the 4-D world of physics waves are not particles and particles are not waves, It is clear, however, that while they are absolutely different, they are closely related, which suggests that they are complementary manifestations of the same underlying entity which we understand as a dynamic formal system. Pais

page 42: Einstein: 'It is my opinion that the next phase in the development of theoretical physics will bring us a theory of light that can be interpreted as a kind of fusion of the wave

[page 181]

and the particle theory. The wave structure and the quantum structure . . . are not to be considered as mutually incompatible.'

'In 1916 Einstein made another fundamental contribution to the quantum theory. he realized that when an excited atom emits a photon the theory can predict nether the time at which nor the direction in which the photon is emitted. That is to say the theory violated the classic principle of causality, according to which if at a given time an isolated system is in a fully specified state then one should be able to predict rigorously its behaviour at any later time. This state of affairs rankled Einstein greatly, then and later.'

The world operates on the brink of determinism.

page 43: 'The phenomena may be novel, their means of detection may have been modernized, but detectors should be treated as classical objects; their readings continue to be described in classical terms'. No. All readings are counts and enter the theory as counts (numbers) which are discrete == quantum.

page 44: 'The quantum physicist will say: whether an object behaves as a particle or a wave depends on your choice of experimental arrangements for looking at it'. No. All observations are particulate. We construct waves from sets of particulate observations.

Complementary = phenomenon + explanation (model)

The 'wave' in the model arises from the recursive nature of computation. We see the transfinite network as a layered nest of subroutines stretching down to the primordial routine (operation) ie NOP (?).

[page 182]

Pais page 44: Bohr: 'As a more appropriate way of expression one may strongly advocate limitation of the word phenomenon to refer exclusively to observations obtained under specified circumstances, including an account of the whole experiment.'

I am the 'specified conditions' of all the phenomena I experience.

Every communication is a superposition of the communicators. [this bypasses no cloning?]

The number of possible 'dings an sich' is equal o the number of different superpositions of state available in the Universe.

Little by little things emerge from the mist.

page 45: 'Bohr 'Our task is not to penetrate the essence of things, the meanings of which we don't know anyway, but rather to develop concepts which allow us to talk in a productive way about phenomena in nature.'

PRODUCTIVE = meaningful ie in harmony with.

Pais page 56: 'What did Einstein want? . . . a unified field theory. . . . He demanded that it be a local field theory, causal in the classical sense; that it unify the forces of nature; that the particles of physics should emerge as special solutions of the general field equations; and that the quantum postulates should be a consequence of these equations.'

Classical physics has no place for discrete events, all is continuous, differentiable motion.

[page 183]

Pais page 242: Einstein: 'The systematic and widespread attempt to destroy mutual trust and confidence constitutes the severest possible blow against society.'

The powers that be have lost the trust of the people and so must resort to violence and propaganda to maintain their power.

Uncertainty arises in deterministic systems when the number of possibilities exceeds the number of constraints, ie there are more variables than [independent] equation. In that the constraints do not determine the outcome but they may shape it.

In quantum mechanics constraints builds structure and structure constraint - the states of the potential well eg the electronic states of an atom, the economy of people living on certain resources etc.

Robert Graves 47: 'My main theme was always the practical impossibility, transcended only by a belief in miracles, of absolute love continuing between man and woman.

Monday 9 April 2007

Graves page 138: 'There is a sense of life so real that it becomes the sense of something more real than life . . . It is the meaning at work on what has no meaning; it is, at its clearest, poetry.

Poetry: a combinatorial search for meaning given an alphabet of words (in a chosen language).

[page 184]

Instead of trying to understand the discrete by the continuous (as quantum mechanics does) this project is trying to understand the (spatially) continuous by the discrete, substituting 'logical continuity' for the cardinal continuity of mathematical analysis. ['passage to the limit' and 'epsilon delta' arguments are examples of logical continuity, ie deterministic process].

Searching for a fit. The probability of action is the probability of fitting, of removing all inhibitions.

Tuesday 10 April 2007

The invention of writing radically increases the size and accuracy of the memory available to any agent in coming to conclusions. The invention of 'digital' memory is having a similar effect. Climate models (or even quite simple banking calculations) are reduced from a major task to something trivial by the processing power that can be brought to bear on them. This improves our knowledge of the world, climate, or bank account.

What is the message: by adopting discreteness and logical continuity we can solve a lot of the problems confronting physics at the same time as refounding theology. What is the desire: To make a living from this message. Here we are getting recursive, the formalities of survival becoming a means of survival.

The difference between physics and philosophy: philosophers are trying to make a generally consistent picture of the whole Universe, including 'matter' and 'spirit'. Physics, on the other hand does not explicitly concern itself with spirit (although its models might be called 'spiritual') but with the measurable

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engineering details of matter. Everything measurable must be reduced to counts. the physicist counts these counts under tightly controlled conditions, the philosopher is concerned with the broadest picture but in the end all physical knowledge is communicated by the counts of the physical layers.

No matter how complex the physical model, the physicist must integrate it don to a singled numbers (eg QED and the g factor of the electron) in order to test the model. Feynman If the prediction is correct, we gain faith in the model, tempered by the knowledge that there may be an infinity of other models that give the same answer. The variety of the set of possible models is reduced by measurements that rule out subsets of these models.

peace = f(bandwidth). If small errors are allowed to grow large they may be corrected with an explosive release of energy.

frequency = f(fit) so integrating very complex interactions (falling in love) with a measurable quantity (number of people falling in love per time per population , eg)

My data is the flow of my day, a time ordered set of discrete events, like writing this sentence, a quantum of action [doing the dishes, lighting the fire etc].

Speech is in the same position as physical measurement: 'a state of mind' of huge complexity is represented in a string of sound of vastly lower complexity, thus opening the door to misunderstanding from the fact that many states of mind are consistent with the same utterance. To reduce the incidence of misunderstanding we need more utterance to exclude more states of mind.

[page 186]

graves page 324: 'Lovers in the act dispense / With such Meum-Tuum sense'.

'Logical continuity' allows us to 'get behind' 4-space to see how its works etc MTW 'pregeometry'. Misner, Thorne and Wheeler

eg spin 1/2 antecedes 4-space to that we have weak coupling between the observation of spin in one direction and a subsequent observation in another direction. Stern-Gerlach. Bretislav Friedrich and Dudley Hersbach

Harmony may be measured by the relative number of points of coincidence - Twister.

Feynman's path integral method enables us to compute quantum mechanical' connection coefficients'. Logical continuity is measured by overlap XAX/XX, which is in turn a measure of the probability of a 'fit'.


The importance of communication for peace is perhaps supported by the observation that warmongers are obsesses by secrecy and spin.

All my communication both expands my Universe and binds me to the expanded Universe.

A new theory does not change the facts as such (ie observations) but gives us a new framework in which to interpret them. In a divine Universe we are divine and all things act (think) as we do in their won way. A

[page 187]

function of both complexity and details. Continuous function space cannot hold all the details that we observe, it is a product of reduction.

REDUCTION to the CONTINUUM is done by establishing symmetry between the points in the continuum. Marx, the masses, very Newtonian. Perhaps Marx was studying the Hamiltonian of the masses. Under the classical model, each of us may be considered as a point in a phase space. The transfinite network is simply an expanded version of the spacetime in which newton worked, big enough to consider me not as a mass point, but as I really am n full complexity, a 1-1 correspondence.

Every structure in the Universe may be interpreted as a mapping.


Literary biography: capturing the fruits of passion in words.

Passion: action to 'dense' to be reflective, ie the unreviewed executive.

A new theology = a new cosmology ['creation the cosmology of peace']

Human relationships == human communication (human encoding)

Writers (Graves) record their experiences for others to contemplate and possibly apply to their own situation. This comes under the general brief of science, reducing observations to writing , in which form many people may reflect on them. At present all my communication with the wider world is in writing.

[page 188]

We think of a black hole not in terms of gigantic forces but in terms of logic, complexity and entropy. Hawking, Entropy, surface area. Wikipedia

Hofstadter: Recursion leads to trouble. Hofstadter An effort by one person to control the minds of others leads to a destructive recursion ('death spiral'), poisoning clear communication with speculative gossip.


. . .

Back to the Hilbert oscillator, creation vs knowledge. Hilbert oscillator

Unitarity is orthogonal to entropy, ie complexity invariant.

Virial theorem: George W Collins II

Graves page 354: A single mind between lovers.

page 357: 'In 1940 Graves learned that love could be real and unadulterated, because he learned that it could be returned: indeed he learned that it could simply happen.' FIT

[PAGE 189]

We introduce physics into the network by attaching physical parameters, mass, energy, momentum, length, time, action etc to the actions on the network, the basic one of which is the swapping of two symbols to create a new permutation, to which we attribute one quantum of action.

Because of general covariance, there is a wide range of observable events which might correspond to such a swap, eg the change in orbital of an electron.

Wednesday 11 April 2007

Another day of lifting heavy things experiencing gravitation, momentum and energy first hand and made weary by their demands. So hear to see how all this sweat fits in with 'dynamic space' but the communication metaphor helps. The earth follows its geodesic, but I am pulled off mine, being far from the earth's centre of gravity where some atoms of iron move weightlessly through space.

We may measure control on a scale 0 to 1, 0 being o control and 1 being total control where the controlled entity has no say in its behaviour. To talk about people in control then, insofar as what one says about nn to other people may control these people's interpretation of nn's behaviour (its output). The degree of this control may be small, like more complex Feynman diagrams, but significant and necessarily included in the theory. In the network we see the strength of the bond between two entities in the meaning and frequency of their communication.

[page 190]

What if we say that the quantum mechanical overlap integral tells us something about control, how much one state 'controls' another [is identical to it]. When vectors are orthogonal, the integral (dot product) is zero. When a vector measures itself, we have identity. control is complete, 1.

We create meaning (correspondence) by mapping quantum mechanics onto daily life where delay (relativity) and the varying outcomes of carefully prepared situations, especially when they involve romance (quantum mechanics) are part of daily life. This correspondence is part of theology.

Thursday 12 April 2007

The method gives meaning to the data. My visual system, for instance, is a method that allows me to see the fire before me and my other senses appreciate an evening meal in front of the fire in their own ways. The Large Hadron Collider and its data processing network likewise.

Continuous mathematics does not have sufficient variety to constrain Quantum mechanics and general relativity in the same set. We must turn to the discrete transfinite network. One cannot say this enough, but how does it work? Are there any symmetries (parts) or is the Universe an irreducible whole? We observe parts. I observe me, a distinct degree of freedom in the human world as every other particle is a degree of freedom in its own world.

[page 191]

We map eigenvectors to logical propositions or snippets of code.

Darwin: Species can change, Species space is curved rather than flat.

Friday 13 April 2007
Saturday 13 April 2007

While the evolution of life (phylogenesis) seems to be a rather uncontrolled process, the development of an individual from germ cell to adult is relatively controlled, so that developments defects are in a minority.

N446:502 Kyriacou: 'A receptor molecule in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster responds to a make pheromone in both sexes. But the effect of this response on sexual behaviour is not the same in males and females'. Kyriacou it takes two to communicate, a key to quantum mechanics.

. . .

They key to the universal process is resolution, picking courses of action out of the possibilities. Those courses of action (strings of actions) which are self sustaining are most likely to last for a long time.

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Barnes, Peter, Capitalism 3.0: A Guide to Reclaiming the Commons, Berrett-Koehler Publishers 2006 Amazon Editorial Reviews Book Description 'In Capitalism 3.0, Peter Barnes redefines the debate about the costs and benefits of the operating system known as the free market. Despite clunky features, early versions of capitalism were somewhat successful. The current model, however, is packed with proprietary features that benefit a lucky few while threatening to crash the system for everyone else. Far from being "free," the market is accessible only to huge corporations that reap the benefits while passing the costs on to the consumer. Barnes maps out a better way. Drawn from his own career as a highly successful entrepreneur, the author's vision of capitalism includes alternatives to the current profit-driven corporate approach, new legal entities, and a more responsible use of markets and property rights. Capitalism 3.0 offers viable solutions to some of the country’s most pressing economic, environmental, and social concerns.' 
Feynman, Richard, QED: The Strange Story of Light and Matter, Princeton UP 1988 Jacket: 'Quantum electrodynamics - or QED for short - is the 'strange theory' that explains how light and electrons interact. Thanks to Richard Feynmann and his colleagues, it is also one of the rare parts of physics that is known for sure, a theory that has stood the test of time. ... In this beautifully lucid set of lectures he provides a definitive introduction to QED.' 
Hofstadter, Douglas R, Gödel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, Basic/Harvester 1979 An illustrated essay on the philosophy of mathematics. Formal systems, recursion, self reference and meaning explored with a dazzling array of examples in music, dialogue, text and graphics. 
Misner, Charles W, and Kip S Thorne, John Archibald Wheeler, Gravitation, Freeman 1973 Jacket: 'Einstein's description of gravitation as curvature of spacetime led directly to that greatest of all predictions of his theory, that the Universe itself is dynamic. Physics still has far to go to come to terms with this amazing fact and what it means for man and his relation to the Universe. John Archibald Wheeler. ... this is a book on Einstein's theory of gravity (general relativity).' 
Pais, Abraham, Einstein Lived Here, Oxford University Press 1994 Amazon Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly 'These 11 essays, articles and pastiches of interviews are assembled by a physicist who is arguably Einstein's best interpreter; his biography of Einstein (1879-1955), Subtle Is the Lord , won the American Book Award in 1983. Pais's rigidly organized approach in that book served Einstein's science well but constricted the various, random views of "Einstein the man" collected here. Several of the essays have an unedited, dictated quality; many of the articles appeared in American Scientist in the late 1980s; two sections are reprinted from Subtle Is the Lord . A charming three-page selection, "Dear Dr. Einstein," contains letters addressing the scientist as though he were Ann Landers. The great figure in 20th century science that Pais depicts here seems more his own personal icon than Einstein the man.' Photos. Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc. 
Seymour-Smith, Martin, Robert Graves: His Life and Work, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 1995 Introduction: 'Robert graves is unique in English letters: in his paradoxical versatility -- as brilliantly successful popular historical novelist, eccentric but erudite mythographer, translator, pungent and outspoken critic, and as arrogant poet oblivious to pubic opinion -- and in his lifelong refusal to conform. It is of course as a poet that he will be chiefly remembered, and by general readers as well as by critics, who are certain to accord him major status (a phrase he hates). But he will be remembered too as a man, as a personality and perhaps as a kind of prophet of 'the Return of the Goddess'.' 
Kyriacou, Charalambos P, "Behavioural genetics: Sex, flies and acetate", Nature, 446, , 29 March 2007, page 502-504. 'A receptor molecule in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster responds to a male pheromone in both sexes. But the effect of this response on sexual behaviour is not the same in males and females.'. back
Bretislav Friedrich and Dudley Hersbach Stern and Gerlach: How a Bad Cigar Helped Reorient Atomic Physics 'After venting to release the vacuum, Gerlach removed the detector flange. But he could see no trace of the silver atom beam and handed the flange to me. With Gerlach looking over my shoulder as I peered closely at the plate, we were surprised to see gradually emerge the trace of the beam. . . . Finally we realized what [had happened]. I was then the equivalent of an assistant professor. My salary was too low to afford good cigars, so I smoked bad cigars. These had a lot of sulfur in them, so my breath on the plate turned the silver into silver sulfide, which is jet black, so easily visible. It was like developing a photographic film.' back
George W Collins II The Virial Theorem in Stellar Astrophysics back
Wikipedia Black hole thermodynamics 'In physics, black hole thermodynamics is essentially the theoretical study of energy and entropy at the boundary regions of black holes. It is generally recognized that this is a special field of research, having been created within the last 30 years, entirely centered around the thermodynamics of black holes.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls