natural theology

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dedicated to developing and promoting the art of peace.

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[Sunday 23 October 2011 - Saturday 29 October 2011]

[Notebook: DB 71 Israel]

Sunday 23 October 2011
Monday 24 October 2011
Tuesday 25 October 2011

[page 70]

Wednesday 26 October 2011

It is time to rebuild religion. Even if you do not think this is so, but are nevertheless prepared to entertain the hypothesis, read on.

We proceed on the analogy that religion is the software of human society, and will bring a software engineering eyes to designing an internally consistent (and therefore crash free) human society.

Computers operate in what we shall call noetic space. Noetic space is physically embodied logical space. We accept Landauer's hypothesis that all information is embodied physically. This may be difficult to bear for people who are used to the idea of immaterial beings, but we shall see that matter imposes no constraints on logic [otherwise we would not have computers!]. Many more hypothetical hurdles lie ahead [for the traditional view] but hang in for the punchline. Teilhard de Chardin

We begin with the logical element of noetic space. Logic

[page 71]

has a very long history but here we constrain ourselves to the last few centuries when we began to appreciate the close relationship between mathematics and logic. Mathematics is about proof, and proof is a matter of logic.

Newton revolutionized physics using mathematical techniques that he kept to himself for a long time. The Principia was first published in 1687, The Method of Fluxions was not published until 1736.

An idea begins to obtain traction [reaction] when people invest in it. First me. The market is falling, but I have a bankable religion.

This article is built around the idea that religion is the software of human society. The article : Designer Religion.

Newtons's mathematics raised an ancient theological question: what do we mean by infinite? In Newton's day only God was infinite. All else, 'creation', was considered finite, that is limited. In His General Scholium, Newton gave a very explicit account of the relationship between his God and his world. Isaac Newton

designer, .net and .org registered.

Clearly from a universal point of view we and our societies are subsystems of a larger systen. If we are to avoid crashes, our religious software must not be just internally consistent, but consistent with

[page 72]

our universal human environment. A good religion must therefore be constructed in the light of a theory of everything. The traditional name for this theory is theology, so we find a theology corresponding to each religion everywhere we look among our societies.

Death is a way to reach immortality, in my opinion.' kelnaldinho kelnaldinho

An open letter to the Global Atheist Convention. Global Atheist Convention

A-theist means not god as a-moral means without morality. To understand atheism we must understand God. What God are you rejecting? Who here has read the classical documents on God: Aquinas and Lonergan? Who knows what they are rejecting? More likely the churches and their pastors than the technical conceptions of god that lie deep in the roots of all religions. So I come to redefine and reinstate God. 'A celebration of reason' as though atheism is more reasonable than theism. Thomas Aquinas, Lonergan

'Don't chuck god out with the bathwater!'

Atheism is on the rise, but it is not very clear what god is being rejected. The Christian God is a highly developed entity that has grown from numerous lines of thought in Mediterranean antiquity. North Africans were major contributors.

Why do we do what we do? We are aware

[page 73]

a whole gamut of emotions (psychic forces) ranging from lust to love and we are often seeking to balance these forces against one another to achieve a 'good life'.

Thursday 27 October 2011
Friday 28 October 2011
Saturday 29 October 2011

A religious bailout. What are the principles? Money is a public communication network, like the roads, and like traffic on the roads, traffic on the money network should be publicly observable.

The unity of a community is based on transfers of value, in cash and kind. Transfers relative to the community should be visible to the community. Secret funds are the foundations of dictatorship.

Conservation of energy - balance of power (justice).

The role of natural theology is to provide a scientific underpinning (founding fiction) to all behavioural decisions at all scales. Natural theology provides the missing 'system integration' in our shared view of the world. Up till now 'liberals' ('atheists') have tended to reject religion, or at least avoid discussing it because it is too sensitive. It is time for this attitude to religion to follow our ancient attitudes to sex into oblivion and religion become a matter of wide public education and discussion.

The Commonwealth has an abysmal record on homosexuality, probably due to the unrefined Christianity it inherited from the British Empire.

[pag 74]

Theology and religion are the theory and practice of bonding and bonding operates at all scales as a manifestation of the creative force. Misner, Thorne and Wheeler and the theory of the trinity both say that the bond creates the bondees and vice versa and both elements are analytic parts of the dynamics.

Mathematics reduces the dynamics to a static algorithm with such processes as differentiation and the epsilon-delta argument.

Let us guess that bonding occurs when a periodic (computable) function emerges that can reproduce itself and so become a stationary point in the Universe, a water molecule for instance. Quantum mechanics explains bonding in terms of energy states and overlap integrals which lower the energy and increase the probability of bonded states - the hydrogen bond.

Pauling and Hayward Pauling & Hayward

How do we know that electrons move around? Because we detect them at different positions but it is hard to say what an electron is doing between detections.


What controls an electron in its orbit?The fit between the momentum of the electron and the radius of its orbit, a half classical, half quantum

[page 75]

statement. A stable state is one that constantly renews itself by being in phase with itself, so keeping its probability at 1.

The water molecule bond angle results from the repulsion of the two hydrogen atoms, dynamic process that oscillates around the stationary value of 104.5 degrees.

Pauling page 9: 'Astatine is an unstable element which does not occur in nature (?). Small amounts of the element have been made, but the molecular properties of At2 have not yet been determined [1973]

We can translate 3D space into logical space by seeing 3D space as a set of 3D Venn diagrams with varying degree of overlap from 0 (disjoint) to 1 (fully contained).

On creating the Australian natural religion movement.

creation of movement ==> force (Newton's second law).

These notes often seem very repetitive, but each repetition is in a unique context, representing a moment in my life captured in writing. Each sentence in this writing can be treated as an eigenvector in notebook space and the frequency of each eigenvector tells us something about its importance in the overall scheme of things.

I sit watching a dance in the disco and imagine the layered network of interactions that are occurring within and between the dancers, the music and the world. The picture seems to fit quite well, and we can drill down at any point

[page 76]

through layers of complexity eventually arriving at the initial singularity.

People who kill others for their religious beliefs are blasphemers because they are saying in effect that they have so little faith in their God that their only argument in its favour is murder. This is an abuse of the notion of divinity.

Atheism: destroy the old to bring in the new (with no clear idea what the new might be) vs natural religion which sees the succession and conflict of religions as part of the natural evolutionary (creative) process. This is the task of theology, to explain the creative process and show us how (and to what extent) it can be controlled. Shannon shows us how to control the future, ie make an error free communication from the present to the future.

Maybe it is best not to act until the project has become feasible, that is modelled through in detail and found to be consistent.

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Lonergan, Bernard J F, Insight : A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '... Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 
Pauling, Linus, and Roger Hayward, Architecture of Molecules, W.H.Freeman & Co Ltd 1970 Jacket: 'Nobelist Pauling and artist Hayward have teamed up to produce a technically sound, aesthetically beautiful book which introduces young people to the architecture of molecules. . . . Artist Hayward has produced full page drawings in color, and chemist Pauling has written concise and lucid explanations of the drawing and the chemistry involved. Highly recommended as a supplementary enrichment source for students and teachers in grades seven through twelve.' The Science Teacher. 
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, The Phenomenon of Man, Collins 1965 Sir Julian Huxley, Introduction: 'We, mankind, contain the possibilities of the earth's immense future, and can realise more and more of them on condition that we increase our knowledge and our love. That, it seems to me, is the distillation of the Phenomenon of Man.'  
Rebbi, Claudio, "Solitons", Scientific American, , 2, February 1979, page 76-91. 'They are waves that do not disperse or dissipate but instead maintain their size and shape indefinitely. A recent finding is that solitons may appear as massive elementary particles.'. back
Global Atheist Convention 212 Global Atheist Convention | A Celebration of Reason 'We are currently drafting the speakers program and expect to release official presentation times in early 2012. For those that are currently organising their travel arrangements, here is a tentative program of opening and closing times for each day of the convention. Please note these are not final and are subject to change. Friday 13th 5:45pm – Registration opens (subject to change) 6:15pm – Cocktail event commences 7:30pm – Official opening of the GAC 9:30pm – Close Saturday 14th 8:30am – Introduction and opening 5:45pm – Close of presentations 7:15pm – Start of dinner 11:00pm – Close of dinner Sunday 15th 8:45am – First presentation 4:00pm – Close of GAC (Book signing likely to follow) back
Isaac Newton Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series with its Application to the Geometry of Curve-Lines 'The method of fluxions and infinite series with its application to the geometry of curve-lines by the inventor Sir Isaac Newton ... ; translated from the author's Latin original not yet made publick. To which is subjoin'd, A perpetual comment upon the whole work, consisting of annotations, illustrations, and supplements, to make this treatise a compleat institution for the use of learners. back
Isaac Newton The General Scholium to Isaac Newton's Principia mathematica

'Published for the first time as an appendix to the 2nd (1713) edition of the Principia, the General Scholium reappeared in the 3rd (1726) edition with some amendments and additions. As well as countering the natural philosophy of Leibniz and the Cartesians, the General Scholium contains an excursion into natural theology and theology proper. In this short text, Newton articulates the design argument (which he fervently believed was furthered by the contents of his Principia), but also includes an oblique argument for a unitarian conception of God and an implicit attack on the doctrine of the Trinity, which Newton saw as a post-biblical corruption. The English translation here is that of Andrew Motte (1729). Italics and orthography as in original.' back
kelnaldinho kelnaldinho's Channel - You Tube back Sir Isaac Newton 'Welcome to - the virtual museum of Sir Isaac Newton and the history of science.' back
Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Thomas Aquinas: The medieval theological classic online. :'Because the doctor of Catholic truth ought not only to teach the proficient, but also to instruct beginners (according to the Apostle: As unto little ones in Christ, I gave you milk to drink, not meat -- 1 Cor. 3:1-2), we purpose in this book to treat of whatever belongs to the Christian religion, in such a way as may tend to the instruction of beginners. We have considered that students in this doctrine have not seldom been hampered by what they have found written by other authors, partly on account of the multiplication of useless questions, articles, and arguments, partly also because those things that are needful for them to know are not taught according to the order of the subject matter, but according as the plan of the book might require, or the occasion of the argument offer, partly, too, because frequent repetition brought weariness and confusion to the minds of readers.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls