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Notes DB 90: Psychogenesis_2024

Sunday 25 February 2024 - Saturday 2 March 2024

[page 217]

Sunday 25 February 2024

My idea is to plough naively forward ignoring the numbers and looking only for logical continuity, that is a good story, as a theologian would do. The physicists have ways of measuring and calculating numbers which draw their connections from the story.

Monday 26 February 2024

cc12_hilbert_minkowski. Now we have to figure out how we go from relativity free quantum mechanics to the Minkowski realm. First we remember that Einstein saw the Universe as a continuous 4 dimensional group of Minkowski spaces. And then we have to use cc17_gravitation to explain the Einstein equation, the energy momentum relation E2 = (pc2) + (m0c2)2, using the properties of massless photons and massive fermions to achieve this result.

I am trying to describe the Universe as I want it to be. Is there any real difference between the idea that God's mental image of themself is the real Son of God and the QFT idea of screening of point charges by an imaginary vacuum? My position should be entitled to a hypothesis and if it is wrong, I concede.

[page 218]

Continuing page 12: The quantum creation of Minkowski space we say that Minkowski space is a product of bosons and fermions and these are made real by a combination of kinematic quantum mechanics and dynamic gravitation. What more could we want? Some numerical computations, or would logical argument have to do, or does the logic create a framework for arithmetic?

The breadth of the conversational spectrum is equal to the dimension of the Hilbert space informing it and the probability of each message is measured by the Born rule. page 14: "Measurement": the interface between Hilbert and Minkowski spaces comes after page 13: Is Hilbert space independent of Minkowski space?.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Have now watched quite a number of companies from the 1 cent per share days of precarious existence to billion dollar capitalizations, and a greater number that have gone extinct and cost me money. [I] like to think my time is coming from a tentative beginning in the 1960s to a position of power in the 2020s. I have gone from the idea that the Universe is divine to a comprehensive synthesis of physics and theology which is long way from the standard models in both disciplines but seems to me to have some promise. I could not preach the ideas that the Dominicans were training me to

[page 219]

preach way back then but now I am prepared to publish my essays and these notes as a tentative tendril in a new direction. I have been watching the development of the internet since the 1980s and can see that there is a medium there for rapid expansion when I am ready to come out, but after 60 years of development I am ready to package the product as a book, current title Million Dollar Theology as a composite critique of both the Catholic Church and the Clay Mathematics Institute, but my dreams of doing it in a month are a bit ambitious. [B]ut I [do] feel confident that 2024 is the year of the manuscript and must discipline myself to relax and work hard as I see most of the evils of the world rooted in theocracy. I have faith in the slow diffusion of ideas that have brought us from Aristotle to the present day but I am aware that it took his ideas nearly 2000 years to come to fruition in the science of Galileo which was rooted in the simple idea that the Earth circles the Sun. The idea that the Universe is divine is even more powerful and its time will come long after I am gone.

The current hiatus is the revision of the pages from cc12_hilbert_minkowski to cc127_gravitation where we deal with the issue of the quantum origin of spacetime. The quantum mechanical answer which has emerged in the last six months [to page 222] Streater & Wightman (2000): PCT, Spin, Statistics and All That, pp. 146 sqq.

[page 220]

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Pascal: ' The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of ' ["Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait pas" ]. The chemical / olfactory dimension of reproduction. Do we see it in the evolution of the Universe? Are the different eigenfunctions attracted to one another in quantum mechanics? What is the foundation of attraction? Why is electromagnetism so much more powerful than gravitation? Given that evolution selects systems that reproduce themselves and therefore overcomes death caused by the accumulation off error we must assume that the system we now have, both biologically and physically, is a system of survivors. eurekoi: Outre la célèbre phrase de Pascal : « le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas » qui a dit : « le coeur à ses raisons que la raison ignore » ? est-ce Pascal lui-même, ou une reprise …?


[page 221]


[page 222]

is a reversal of the spin-statistics theorem. In Streater and Wightman, who privilege special relativity over quantum mechanics, the proof runs from special relativity to bosons and fermions. My plan runs from quantum fermions and bosons, discovered by evolution in the quantum domain, to the structure of spacetime, a consequence of this discovery. So we lay out this program in cc12 and develop it through 12, 14, 15 and 16 to finally join it to the role of gravitation on page 17: Gravitation and quantum theory—in the beginning. A bit of a rethink, but consistent with the fundamental insight, the independence of Hilbert space which becomes the headline of the project to win the Millennium Prize, the subject of the essay and the book.

One of the principal difficulties in politics is the formulation of a platform which will please enough voters to win an election. This problem may also have a quantum mechanical dimension, in what I call the conversation mode,l in which two particles seek a common quantum state to communicate as a politician seeks a message that will appeal to enough voters to get elected.

[page 223]

Thursday 29 February 2024
Friday 1 March 2024

Reading through Cognitive cosmology up to page 16: Potential + kinetic = zero energy universe and facing the usual problem: is there any future in it? The answer of course, is that I must go the whole way and replace quantum field theory with cognitive creation theory. The battle is to make it an approximately consistent whole. Each little step by itself looks good, the payoff is in the integration and in developing a consistent approach to the million dollar prize. It is a job that must be done and the issues must be approached rationally without flinching at the size of the task. The initial singularity, the place of quantum mechanics and the role of evolution are becoming clearer every day and my basic approach must be to go with the flow and document it as quickly and clearly as I can.

page 16: Potential + kinetic = zero energy universe: 'Lorentz's equation now holds for spacetime rather than for bodies within it.' Or the other way around: spacetime is a product of particles, rather than the idea that fields in spacetime are the sources of particles. The electrical properties of space are therefore a product of electrically charged particles and photons and the same goes for the weak and strong charge [ie associated codecs and rate of communication]. So let us say that massless bosons and massive fermions cause Minkowski space.

[page 224]

James Burnham NYT David Brooks 29/2: 'All history makes clear that an indispensable quality of any man or class that wishes to lead, to hold power and privilege in society, is boundless self-confidence.' David Brooks (2024_02_29): The G.O.P. Returns to Its Bad Old Self

Saturday 2 March 2024

We distinguish our fantasies from reality by finding out if they work or not. The task of any inventor is to tweak their invention until it works, as the Wright brothers did with their aeroplane. I have the same task with my theology, to build a text which is both inherently consistent and touches all the points of contact in my life, beginning with birth and growth, ending with decline and death. If it is good it will serve as a paradigm for all other particles in the world and by extension the world itself whose primary feature is that it lives in unbounded time, eternal in the beginning and eternal in the end with unstoppable motion in between these points. The finite velocity of light in spacetime encloses each of us in a double ended cone with an infinite past and infinite future and a 4 dimensional point, here and now, running out of my mind to the tip of my pen. My fantasy stretches back to the point I call the initial singularity, omnipotent and structureless, from which this structure, and my life flows. I am caught in it, living from birth to death. Wright brothers - Wikipedia

[page 225]

Sin Itiro Tomonaga: The Story of Spin. The whole point of my story is to emphasize the magnificence of our existence as part of the divinity, and to exploit it as a paradigm for living peacefully together rather than in the semi-permanent state of war which has plagued our existence from the beginning, an element of the struggle for life which can be cured if we stop the struggle and live within our means. The source of the trouble is the Malthusian constraint on evolution. We must make things that work and not self destruct. This is essentially the conflict between gravitation snd quantum theory. We look for stationary points in which we can rest in peace, As an old age pensioner in a welfare state I have reached such a state and a burning desire to use it to create peace around myself. Tomonaga (1997)

Writer's week: Science writing: Theology the theory of everything to guide us through life.

My faith arises because I feel that my story is better than the rest.

Dirac found that the Lagrangian could be applied in quantum mechanics because, at least in Hilbert space it is a single variable not involved with space even though we may look at phase as measured in angular momentum which has the dimensions of action, ie energy-time, M2L2 T-2 × T = M2L2 T-1. There is a spot of weirdness with the application of mathematics [continued on page 228]

[page 226]

Dimensions of action are M2L2 T-1, and gravitation M-1L3 T-2, so gravitation = action × M-3L T-1 which means??

[rest of page blank]

[page 227]


[page 228]

here related to the dimensions of G: M-1L3 T-2.

[X's birthday party may have contributed to the confusion above]

I am one of those who feels that quantum field theory is an irretrievable mess resulting from a serious failure to break free from the classical forebears of quantum mechanics. They are

1. Quantum mechanics is in fact a logical algorithm for computation analogous to the Turing machine. Like the logical developments of mathematics made [at the turn of the last century] by Whitehead and Russell in England and Hilbert [and others] in Europe, it is capable of doing arithmetic, calculus , algebra and all of these things. [But] it is much deeper, resembling what was going on in the minds of Whitehead, Russell and Hilbert and their contemporaries as they broke out of the old arithmetic and calculus dominated world of classical mechanics. The result it the plethora of infinities, particles with zero size and ultraviolet catastrophes have been built into quantum [field] theory. Whitehead and Russell (1910): Principia Mathematica, Hilbert's program - Wikipedia, Jean van Heijenoort (1999); From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic 1879 - 1931

2 [?] This is it really, and the quantum of action is a logical operator. But part of it is the fact that Minkowski space has been made the domain of Hilbert space rather than vice versa. In other words we have tried to write the Turing machine in arithmetic rather than logic.

Ie both theology and physics are rubbish and the only way to fix them is to combine them

[page 229]

on the basis that the Universe is divine so theology ≡ physics. With that manifesto on the tip of my pen, I retire to bed, in love with myself [and of course the Universe that made me].

In the creation of the world we get to use the natural numbers as the index set of Turing computable functions twice. First as the use of Turing functions to map the initial singularity in the form of naked gravitation mapped onto itself to give the set of basis state for the Hilbert space inside the initial singularity. We then introduce quantum mechanics to sift through this set of basis states looking for operators and corresponding eigenstates which will provide a set of kinematic stationary states to be converted to real dynamic entities by gravitation. This process may also be carried out by Turing computable functions to complete the quantum mechanical phase of the development of the genome of the Universe.


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Further reading


Streater (2000), Raymond F, and Arthur S Wightman, PCT, Spin, Statistics and All That, Princeton University Press 2000 Amazon product description: 'PCT, Spin and Statistics, and All That is the classic summary of and introduction to the achievements of Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory. This theory gives precise mathematical responses to questions like: What is a quantized field? What are the physically indispensable attributes of a quantized field? Furthermore, Axiomatic Field Theory shows that a number of physically important predictions of quantum field theory are mathematical consequences of the axioms. Here Raymond Streater and Arthur Wightman treat only results that can be rigorously proved, and these are presented in an elegant style that makes them available to a broad range of physics and theoretical mathematics.' 

Tomonaga (1997), Sin-itiro, The Story of Spin, University of Chicago Press 1997 Jacket: 'The Story of Spin, as told by Sin-itiro Tomonaga and lovingly translated by Takeshi Oka, is a brilliant and witty account of the development of modern quantum theory, which takes electron spin as a pivotal concept. Reading these twelve lectures on the fundamental aspects of physics is a joyful experience that is rare indeed.' Laurie Brown, Northwestern University. 

van Heijenoort (1999), Jean, From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic 1879 - 1931. , 1999 Amazon book description: 'Collected here in one volume are some thirty-six high quality translations into English of the most important foreign-language works in mathematical logic, as well as articles and letters by Whitehead, Russell, Norbert Weiner and Post…This book is, in effect, the record of an important chapter in the history of thought. No serious student of logic or foundations of mathematics will want to be without it.' 


Adam Entous & Michael Schwirtz, The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin, ' But the Times investigation found that Mr. Putin and his advisers misread a critical dynamic. The C.I.A. didn’t push its way into Ukraine. U.S. officials were often reluctant to fully engage, fearing that Ukrainian officials could not be trusted, and worrying about provoking the Kremlin. Yet a tight circle of Ukrainian intelligence officials assiduously courted the C.I.A. and gradually made themselves vital to the Americans. In 2015, Gen. Valeriy Kondratiuk, then Ukraine’s head of military intelligence, arrived at a meeting with the C.I.A.’s deputy station chief and without warning handed over a stack of top-secret files. That initial tranche contained secrets about the Russian Navy’s Northern Fleet, including detailed information about the latest Russian nuclear submarine designs. Before long, teams of C.I.A. officers were regularly leaving his office with backpacks full of documents. “We understood that we needed to create the conditions of trust,” General Kondratiuk said. As the partnership deepened after 2016, the Ukrainians became impatient with what they considered Washington’s undue caution, and began staging assassinations and other lethal operations, which violated the terms the White House thought the Ukrainians had agreed to. Infuriated, officials in Washington threatened to cut off support, but they never did. back

David Brooks (2024_02_29), The G.O.P. Returns to Its Bad Old Self, ' Ronald Reagan gets most of the credit, but it was Ike, not Reagan, who transformed the G.O.P. from an anxious, inward-looking party into a confident, outward-facing one. He and his internationalist successors believed that the only way to prevent more world wars was to build a multilateral democratic world order. They had the confidence to believe America could lead such an order. The key to success in any political conflict, the political theorist James Burnham argued in 1941, is spirit and willpower: “All history makes clear that an indispensable quality of any man or class that wishes to lead, to hold power and privilege in society, is boundless self-confidence".' back

eurekoi, Outre la célèbre phrase de Pascal : « le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas » qui a dit : « le coeur à ses raisons que la raison ignore » ? est-ce Pascal lui-même, ou une reprise …?, ' Réponse apportée le 05/28/2010 par PARIS Bpi – Révisée le 10/01//2017
« Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ignore » est probablement une citation déformée de la phrase de Pascal portrait de Pascal, gravure
Je vous propose d’ailleurs quelques extraits d’oeuvres où on la retrouve sous diverses formes issus de la base de données Frantext. La base textuelle Frantext comporte 4745 textes en français, édités du 16e au 20e siècle et représentatifs de l’évolution de la langue française. 80% des textes sont littéraires et 20% sont des « ouvrages techniques illustrant les diverses disciplines scientifiques ». Le document ne permet pas la lecture des textes complets, mais il permet de faire des recherches plus ou moins complexes : retrouver une citation exacte et son auteur(e), rechercher les occurrences d’un terme ou d’une expression dans un corpus d’oeuvres sélectionnées ou sur tous les textes de la base, par exemple. Les résultats d’une interrogation donnent les extraits des textes où figurent les mots recherchés, les références précises des documents cités ainsi que le numéro des pages de chaque extrait.L’ajout de nouveaux textes est régulier. Frantext est une base de données payante que vous pouvez consulter dans notre bibliothèque, si vous résidez à Paris et sa région. Frantext est néanmoins accessible à cette adresse dans une version limitée : .' back

Hilbert's program - Wikipedia, Hilbert's program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In mathematics, Hilbert's program, formulated by German mathematician David Hilbert, was a proposed solution to the foundational crisis of mathematics, when early attempts to clarify the foundations of mathematics were found to suffer from paradoxes and inconsistencies. As a solution, Hilbert proposed to ground all existing theories to a finite, complete set of axioms, and provide a proof that these axioms were consistent. Hilbert proposed that the consistency of more complicated systems, such as real analysis, could be proven in terms of simpler systems. Ultimately, the consistency of all of mathematics could be reduced to basic arithmetic.' back

Justin Ellis & Nicole L.Asquith, The policing of LGBTQ+ people casts a long, dark shadow. Marching at Mardi Gras must be backed up with real change, ' Public trust and confidence in NSW Police has been sorely tested in the past two weeks. The charging of a police officer with the murders of a Sydney gay couple, Jesse Baird and Luke Davies, has seen shock turn to grief and then anger. NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb’s framing of the case as a “crime of passion” downplayed the alleged culpability of the accused, and overlooked the murders as possible domestic violence. The commissioner’s gratitude to the accused for leading police to the location of the remains of the deceased drew further ire. Yet the most heated debate has been about the appropriateness of the police force’s presence in the 2024 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade. This focus has brought to the surface a spectrum of viewpoints on diversity and inclusion. Much of this focus has ignored the reasons why there is growing dissatisfaction with NSW police among many LGBTQ+ people. This is amid ten-year lows of public perceptions of police integrity nationally. Emotions have been running high. But these recent events are part of a long and complicated history of the policing of LGBTQ+ people, and of Mardi Gras in particular.' back

Non-binary gender - Wikipedia, Non-binary gender - Wikipedia, the free encyclopdia, ' Non-binary[a] and genderqueer are umbrella terms for gender identities that are not solely male or female (identities outside the gender binary).] Non-binary identities often fall under the transgender umbrella since non-binary people typically identify with a gender that is different from the sex assigned to them at birth,[3] though some non-binary people do not consider themselves transgender. Non-binary people may identify as an intermediate or separate third gender,[identify with more than one gender, no gender, or have a fluctuating gender identity. Gender identity is separate from sexual or romantic orientation: non-binary people have various sexual orientations.' back

Whitehead and Russell (1910), Principia Mathematica, Jacket: 'Principia Mathematica was first published in 1910-1913; this is the fifth impression of the second edition of 1925-7. The Principia has long been recognized as one of the intellectual landmarks of the century. It was the first book to show clearly the close relationship between mathematics and formal logic. Starting with a minimal number of axioms, Whitehead and Russell display the structure of both kinds of thought. No other book has had such an influence on the subsequent history of mathematical philosophy .' back

Wright brothers - Wikipedia, Wright brothers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The Wright brothers . . . were American aviation pioneers generally credited with inventing, building, and flying the world's first successful airplane. They made the first controlled, sustained flight of an engine-powered, heavier-than-air aircraft with the Wright Flyer on December 17, 1903 . . . In 1904 the Wright brothers developed the Wright Flyer II, which made longer-duration flights including the first circle, followed in 1905 by the first truly practical fixed-wing aircraft, the Wright Flyer III.
The brothers' breakthrough invention was their creation of a three-axis control system, which enabled the pilot to steer the aircraft effectively and to maintain its equilibrium. Their system of aircraft controls made fixed-wing powered flight possible and remains standard on airplanes of all kinds. Their first U.S. patent did not claim invention of a flying machine, but rather a system of aerodynamic control that manipulated a flying machine's surfaces.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2024 © Jeffrey Nicholls