[Sunday 4 October 2009 - Saturday 10 October 2009]
[Notebook: DB 67: jciii]
[page 198]
Sunday 4 October 2009
. . .To New book DB 68 Salalah
Monday 5 October 2009
Tuesday 6 October 2009
[Notebook DB 68 Salalah]
[page 1]
David Malouf: An Imaginary Life Malouf The Gods are our own invention, an hypothesis to give meaning and order to our experiences of life.
Physics is the process of generating and decoding physical data. The photons they observe at CERN are generically the same as the photons observed by the writers and readers of the world's sacred texts. All that differs are the algorithms and networks of algorithms used to decode the observed pttersn (bins) of photons). <.p>
House of Flying Daggers Zhang- double cross and error. The relativity of error and game theory. A fundamental dilemma: mating across socially constructed barriers of tribe, nation, belief etc.
Wednesday 7 October 2009
. . . fxqi
Helmut Hansen Helmut Hansen : invisibility. The 'metaphysical' structure of the Universe is a layered communication network. Smallest is quantum of action, largest is the whole system.
. . . Metaphysics = communication network theory. Physics = elelctric power network ideally operating at zero entropy. The increase in entropy is caused by mapping and meaning.
[page 2]
Some corollaries of the fxqi paper:
1. Gravitation is not quantized.
2. Instantaneous communication.
3. Photon is not an observer.
Thursday 8 October 2009
. . .
Friday 9 October 2009
Saturday 10 October 2009
. . . Networks / unpredictable due to interruption / observation = halting of Turing Machine. [re Ellis Ellis]
Stephen Wolfram Wolfram Computational universality is an equivalence class.
Is there a direct correspondence of mathematical impossibility with physical impossibility? The answer is that it depends on what physics is made of. If we can successfully reduce all phjysics to mathmatics, then mathematical impossibility in a sense becomes physical impossibility'.
[page 3]
Comment of fixed point theorems:
[Hi Stephen,
You write 'Is there a direct correpondence of mathematical impossibility with physical impossibility. The answer is that it depends of what physics is made of. If we can successfully reduce all physics to mathematics, then mathematical impossibility in a sense becomes physical impossibility.'
While the Universe is dynamic, mathematics, at least on paper is formal and static, so one suspects that physics cannot be completely reduced to mathematics. On the other hand, the only things we can say about physics are those which are invariant with respect to time so can be written down in static formal form. This is the beauty of differential equations which capture a dynamic process in a static string of symbols.So perhaps we may think about the relationship between physics and mathematics in terms of fixed point theorems. Since the universal dynamics maps the Universe onto itself (there being by definition nowhere to go outside) we can expect to find fixed points which can be satisfactorily encapsulated in the physical literature and remain true for at least long enough to get published.
On this picture, we may think of the dynamics within which we find the fixed points as guaranteeing the mutual consistency of the fixed points. . . .
Best regards,
Jeffrey Nicholls
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